Heloma Durum (hard Corn)

Dr Information

Summary – Small circular nucleus of hard skin, generally painful when compared to callus as the cone shaped nucleus presses into the dermis.
Literature – Hard corns are common over plantar areas of the foot that area subject to friction or shearing forces.
Diagnostic tip – Corns are differentiated easily from verrucae by a lack of disruption of the skin’s striae. Verrucae are encapsulated and thus erupt independently of the skin’s striae.
Testing or imagery – When flat debrided heloma dura do not bleed, verrucae frequently have pin prick bleeding when flat debrided.
Referrals – Podiatrist can remove the corn with sharp debridement and provide advice about prevention.

Patient Information

Summary – hard corns are small circular areas of skin that hurt when pressed but not squeezed. They form on weight bearing surfaces of the foot and the tops of toes if shoes are causing pressure.
How does this occur? – Friction or intermittent pressure forms hard corns, this can be from walking when the corns are on the bottom of the foot, or from footwear when they are on the toes.
How can this be helped? – Well fitted footwear and alteration of gait pattern with orthoses can help to prevent hard corns.
Who can help? – your podiatrist