Foot care
You only have one pair of feet and if they are in good working order they can take you everywhere. So it makes good sense to take good care of them.
Sports injuries & alignment
We can analyse your gait and advise you how to optimise your biomechanics to assist with sport injury treatment, management and recovery.
Children’s foot development
Children's feet differ from those of adults, as they are not yet fully formed.
Biomechanics & Orthotics
Most foot pain is the result of a faulty relationship between the bones and muscles of the foot. Even the slightest misalignment of the bones and muscles can cause a lot of discomfort.
Fungal laser treatment
Whether you are young or old, healthy or ill, fungus can find its way into your toenail. Laser therapy is a newer treatment available as a means of combating fungus in toenails, or onychomycosis.
Diabetic care & assessment
It is recommended that every diabetic patient have a Vascular and Neurological assessment of their feet, every year.